Thursday 12 September 2013

Film images and creative thinking

Look at the image below from the film 'The Shawshank Redemption'. Please share and develop your creative writing from class in the 'Comments' box of this post.


  1. When I looked at this image, having never watched the film it originates from, I just had a stream of words fly through my mind, not really making much sense when looked at individually, but well. It's 'creativity' :)

    Overwhelming relief.
    Pure, unadulterated joy.
    The gratefulness that cannot be expressed with words that comes with the dawning realization that life looks up, even in the darkest of times.
    Prolonged suffering, finally over.
    Thank you, oh thank you fate!
    The ties are finally broken, the chains cut!
    Freedom, at last.


  2. I have never seen this image before so I had a lot of randomness come to mind..

    "Why, why me?" pain, devastation, heartbreak. Death, destruction, torn. Ripped Climax Open Vulnerable Accident Crime Rain Wet Cold Lonely. Bare. Palms? Loss of loved one, family member or friend.

    Orlagh :)

  3. When I saw this image in class I knew I had seen it before but couldnt remember where. The words that came to mind were:
    relief, journey, exposed, escape, grateful, thankful, freedom, hope, faith, welcoming the rain, history, past, facial expression, gratitude.


  4. When I looked at this image, these words came to my mind:
    Freedom, cold, relief, happiness, escape, soaked, relaxation, storm, clouds, night/dark, struggle is over, thanking God, celebration, alone, drinking the rain, fresh, droplets.


  5. When I looked at the image these were the things that came to my mind:
    Rain everywhere, gay as in cheerful freedom to do and say what you wanton one holding you back, yeah you go girl, dance in that rainy goodness party like its your birthday. Dance like its your only chance.(sorry this is so weird).

  6. bit longer than the one I read in class because I was embarrassed to read the whole thing:
    NOOOOOOOO...shirt why? no right to not wear a shirt I mean sure he has good biceps but that doesn't hide his belly
    NOOOOOOOO...clue on what going on with the weather it looks like its raining but might be snow. can't write to keep up with thoughts
    Ugh my hand hurts already maybe he broke up with his gf or miss the bus home but I dunno his story maybe I could make one up
    Brian (his name for now) was at the bus station he looked at the timetable and saw that he missed his bus he tore open his Velcro straps on his shirt and kneeled on the cold hard ground (ahhhh ahhhh) and screamed. he was going to be late for dinner it would have been fish and chips. he sobs

    1. Jenny! If only you had read the whole thing in class! Thoroughly entertaining! I love the way your thoughts as a writer interrupt the narrative too. Lovely stuff!

  7. When I saw this image, these words came into my mind: freedom, justice, cleaning, outside, refreshing, calm, understanding, hands raised to sky, god, sleansing of sins, closed eyes, praying, shouting,'this is who I am', acceptance

    Elizabeth N

  8. When I looked at the image I came up with a descriptive story, describing the place in first person, as if I'm the man in the picture.

    Standing there alone, feeling like I'm the only person in the world. Rain pouring down and down, droplets, one by one, soaking me till I'm almost one of them. Dancing, dripping, pattering down to Earth. The tiny tap as they drop to the floor, splashing into a tiny waterfall. Arms up I can feel them on the bare skin of my hands, my arms. Squinting as they set on my face, in my hair. Everywhere.
    I'm free to do whatever. The moon is out, the night sky black. No one is out tonight. Just me. And the rain. Crashing down around me.
    The rain and me, for all to see.


  9. In class, when we were writing down, so many different words just came rushing into my head and I didn't even have enough time to write them all down. This is what I managed to get onto paper:

    Finally rain, pouring, fresh, clean, after a drought, free, freedom, power and overpowering senses, life worth living, wonder, Earth, Heaven, happiness, joy, feelings, end of an era, The End, final chapter, final countdown, forever, fantasy, immortal, fate, spirit and soul, love, family, drench, alone, isolated, apocalypse, wishing, praying, God, eternal, going nowhere. :)

    - Lizzie

  10. In class, when I first saw the picture this idea came to my head;

    "Why?" I screamed.
    "What did I ever do to deserve this?"
    My arms were spread wide either side of my body, my head facing the sky above and i was alone. Alone. I am always alone, ever since that day last year, a year ago today. I dropped my arms and collapsed to the ground in pain, not physically but emotionally.

    I bowed my head into my knees and wrapped my arms around them. Silently weeping and rocking myself back and forth. I'm there, where it all happened, I'm back to that day but I'm looking at it all happen from the sidelines.

    - Katie

    1. This is really good! I love the imagery and the last sentence :)


  11. When we saw this picture in class, these are the words/phrases I thought of:
    rain, free, Free Willy (film), whale, dolphins, water, sea, lake, pond, river, stream, scream, scared, excited, happy, family, hugs, sparkle, white, heaven, sky, looking up to the sky, thankful, hoping, ill, cured


  12. I screamed and screamed, as if this fate would suddenly disappear. Why is this happening to me? Why me? I fell down to my knees and weaped into my hands. Slowly, I rolled over onto the soft sand. I curled up into a ball and hugged my knees. I layed there silently for what seemed like forever. I'd had enough of this, I pushed myself off the ground and looked around the small island I had been situated on. I was going to get myself back home.
    ~ Sasha

  13. Rain falling into nowhere. Success the feeling of happiness and achievement. A happy ending. Like a drought on a bad day and at the end of the day, there is rain, as a sign of luck. Alone. There is a connection with God. Thanking someone or something. It may be cold, but you don't care. You are happy to be alive. Grateful. You are walking up a hill/mountain, trying to find success. You have got the power now. Feeling on top of the world. Standing on a mountain. Yes, you have done it.
    ~ Sakina

  14. Fantastic writing everybody! A pleasure to read again! Please read each other's comments and respond to each other too.

  15. This is what I wrote in class (There are parts I didn't punctuate):

    free. happy can do what you want no limits rain who cares? No one alone in your peaceful state. This is beauty I can always shower tomorrow today was that day. Do what you want enjoy what others don't. Feel it. Feel what others aren't. It's fresh it's you. New. Somthing new. It will be different tomorrow a miracle enjoy it, music like music in your ears no one else cares listen how you want and be free how you want. Doesn't matter if you're doing it alone EMBRACE IT MAN this is a cool moment

  16. This is what I wrote:
    Giving up
    (P.S. I'm not sure if I've already commented this blog thing was being weird)

  17. When I saw this picture, I thought of a slowly progressing horror film, I think this is because of the dark colours and how isolated the boy looks. So I wrote a story :)
    As his arms were thrown into the icy air, each perfectly circular rain drop pronounced against his enticing skin. He felt each splash of gaining liquid like a thousand knives jabbing at every feature on his body. And though with each short second his hair became heavy and clumped together moulded by the rain, he refused to leave the spot his bare feet had dented. With each treacherous second the wind transformed into a careless swarm embracing anything that signified beckoning. It moved in one direction, encouraged by the rain, straight forward to his face as it felt like it was being ripped from the bone it had been balanced on. But even though his face ached with agony, his excitement took all his doubtful concentration from his enlightened mind.

    1. This is amazing! The imagery and descriptions are really good! :)


  18. This is what I wrote in class:
    Thanking god, Breaking free, Freedom, Life, Happiness, Rain, Fresh, cold, Joy, free, thankful, alone, exposed, embrace, hope, power, drenched


  19. This is what I wrote in class...

    He looked up and thanked his lucky stars as the snow began to fall after the strange events that had happened that day it was a relief that everything was normal again. Here is what happened he woke up in his room after hearing banging coming from downstairs so unlike any of the people in films he stayed upstairs and hid rather than going down to investigate. After hiding for at least an hour he came out of his hiding place and climbed out of the window then ran to his mates house and it was snowing at this point. After making up a heroic story about how he scared off a robber who had a gun and other stuff like that to impress his friend they decided to go skiing but when they got outside it was no longer snowing and they found themselves in the middle of a heat wave...


  20. In class I wrote- god, rain, boy, pavement, wet, sad, shouting, angry, aggressive, talking to god, soaked with rain, fresh, pleading, empty, happiness, free.



  21. I watched him as he swirled aroun in the snow, snow. it was what he'd asked for, but id added a little bit extra to protect him. as he spun around happily his face went blanc, showtime, i thought as i walked up to him. "hello, my names Molly i'm new to town" "oh hi i, i thought i didnt recognize you" he mumbled, clearly confused. It had worked.

    1 1/2 years ago

    "come on Molly we'l be late for school!" "im coming!" geez why did my little sister always have to be so happy to go to school, maybe its because its so normal there, its the only normal thing in her life in our lives. For me its torture, i have to survive day after day with no one talking to me except Chloe, but she's just like me, she even moved to this new town with me. She understands we can never be normal. Me and Mary walked to school quickly we only lived a little while away, but it was freezing so this was 'Summer' in Britain.

    ive expanded it a bit at home and might right a bit more.


  22. I actually wrote a poem from what I saw and in it, the boy is really happy rather than depressed or sad like some others have thought he was. So here it is:

    The little glowing bit of snow,
    Starlight, moonlight,
    A silver throw.
    A pattern that shimmers
    In the night,
    Around the boy of glowing light.
    He laughed he sang,
    His head to the sky.
    I wished and hoped...
    I wonder why.
    His face was happy,
    His heart a song,
    The beauty glowing
    All night long.

    Brownish, floppy, dog-wet hair,
    Ice blue eyes
    That shone with care.
    The starts that glimmered in the sky,
    One by one they became his eyes.
    Dancing, laughing,
    He finally looked up.
    Seeing me hoping,
    Waiting and dreaming
    Only for him.

    The snowflakes that glowed in the
    Silver moon glow,
    Tell me once,
    I'll tell them no.

    Izzy :)

  23. This is what I wrote in class:

    free of something that was holding his happiness,
    pure relief,
    something has gone right,
    something great has happened,
    unexpected freedom,
    he feels like the happiest man ever,
    the aftermath of something,
    looking up,


  24. When I saw this image in class, I immediately though of some words that I thought represented it, these were:
    Hope, pleading, begging, will, alone, problems, foolish, realisation and vulnerability.


  25. When I saw this image in class, I immediately though of some words that I thought represented it, these were:
    Hope, pleading, begging, will, alone, problems, foolish, realisation and vulnerability.


  26. looking at this picture at first i thought " what the hell am i supposed to write based on THAT?" but then words just sort of came to me and slowly i began to make up a story (punctuation and capitals are not perfect!):

    Having Fun

    It looked like he was on holidays alone and definately having lots of fun swimming underwater. So much happiness just seemed to overflow from his face and make me feel good. He was so wet but so excited too, maybe it was for a competition, or something, i didn't know the details.
    For a moment, i began to focus on my own self and just fell into a daydream. Of course, i would have loved to go swimming in such clear, deep, blue waters but, i know for a fact, i'd get way too tired and sleepy rather than hapy. i would have positively no energy left in me to do anything at all. trust me here, when i say 'anything', i mean ANYTHING! i guess i would have been kinda happy and having fun no doubt but all that would have seemed to take up so much energy that i'd end up thinking of it all as a huge waste of time before walking off into the soft sunset bathing the golden sand in a shimmery glow.
    anyway, coming back to HIM, looking closer i could see the same happiness just with a sense of sheer disbelief.Still i could see that his face was deceiving his heart and mind because his eyes showed a whole different emotion. Relief. i don't know why but i just, sort of, felt attracted to him, his story, his mystery and yet i couldn't quite bring myself to go up to him.

    obviously i know all his story and the details to go with it now but i didn't then. well, not 7 years ago, we didn't know eachother then. And then came the day of the summer hols. gosh, i was super excited. i went back to where i'd seen him in the first place. yeah sure i liked the weater, the area, the food but what i really loved was his mystery. i know it soundsreally cliche but i was actually secretly sort of hoping to see him agin. and i did. we didn't meet officially but i did see him and i'm pretty sure he saw me too.
    sorry, getting carried here but the point is, i went with my dreams in my hands and i came back with my hands full of my dreams come true so try it out. follow your heart not mind and maybe something good'll come out of it. i mean, it worked for me. 7 years before, walking, together, along the seashore. 7 years on, happy life, twins just been born!:D
    Bawannoor (Bav)

  27. This is what I wrote in class:
    Rain, night, he looks as if he's begging for something, maybe from God? He's got his eyes shut and that makes me think he could be crying, and that this is a sad image, however that could be the rain in his eyes, so maybe he's thanking God? There's something behind him, I don't know what, however this could be something to do with his body language. He looks as if he's standing on a road. There's nothing else around. Now the rain looks like snow, maybe he likes the snow!? I think it's his shirt behind him.

  28. This is what i wrote in class:
    The glitter snow rain drops falling light onto his face head its wet. Hands up to the sky no regrets. Shining smile dots of drops, blue sea swallow me up. Crying laughter happiness eyes tight shut. Seeing what you want to see, believe. Cold sweat, wet cold rain dripping down my face staring up into the blue sky raining glitter dust on my shirtless body. Knee deep among sparkling waters in cold rushes the water slowly swirls round and round. It may eventually drag me in, deep into its belly. The dark cold mist surrounds me, blind. I can see nothing for miles, blank, distance time space white. I don't care my eyes are shut and closed, I am free.
