Thursday 12 September 2013

A film that is important to me (or changed my life!)

In 1991 I saw the film 'Point Break' (see below). It made me want to learn to surf! As a result, I joined the snowboard and surfing society at University and then did a ski season in France. I met my wife there and now have two beautiful children. 'Point Break' changed my life!


  1. Tangled-

    The film that has changed my life (well that's a bit exaggerated, but I do love this film).

    Even though Tangled is a Disney animation I have loved it from the minute I watched it last year. I think that unlike the other fairy tales, this is the most like real life. Rapunzel is kidnapped, then is trapped in a tower, then escaped, then falls in love etc. You really see her life at its ups and downs, but she never stops trying to see the lanterns, to follow her dream. I think this is like life, no matter what it throws at you, good or bad, you should always follow your dream and then when you complete that dream, find a new one.

    Orlagh :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I accidently deleted my comment so I had to post it again.

    A film that inspires me is the film Dumbo. Its not exactly the film but the memories I associate with it that inspire me. I used to watch this film all the time on video at my Grandma's house when I was younger. Being 4 years old, the film only made me want to be able to fly, but now I can see that the real message was that being different was good. This is reflected in the film as the elephant Dumbo has big ears which he is teased for but they eventually save his life by allowing him to fly. I remember my Grandma telling me that you should embrace your differences as they are the best thing about you, otherwise the world would be a boring place. Now as i have grown up I think back on the memories and understand what my Grandma meant and this has helped me to be a more confident, positive person.


  4. I don't really have a film that changed my life but a few have inspired me to do things, so the film I chose is Billy Elliot. I first watched it when i was little and was already doing some ballet but i wasn't really enjoying it! After watching the film it made me want to try different styles of dance (modern, tap etc) and I then really began to enjoy dancing! It also showed me what you can do with dance (I kind of thought it was just a hobby) and now I want to dance as a career in the future. So yeah the film just inspired me to do more dancing and now I love it!


  5. The film that has changed my way of thinking to an extent is called The Persuit Of Happyness.
    It has taught to appreciate money more. On the rare occasions that I have got my own money to spend, I end up wasting it on pointless things. After I watched this film I realised it could be put to much better use, and how there are so many people who need it alot more than I do, so I should really be more grateful for it.
    It also taught me to not stereotype people. The man in the film is homeless, however is trying to become a stockbroker and wears respectable clothing. Due to this, everyone thought he had alot of money. A certain point in the film that effected me was when someone asked him for $5 to pay for a taxi, but the man only had $25 for him and his son to live off of.
    The final thing it taught me was not to get hung up on mistakes. The man spent all his life savings on a revolutionary machine, which ended up being a flop. After he realised this, he moved forward in his life, rather than be angry at his past decisions.

  6. My movie that changed my life (well, inspired me) is Howl’s Moving Castle. Howl’s Moving Castle is a Studio Ghibli film based on a book by Diana Wynne Jones. It’s about a story following a single young teen heroine Sophie, an 18 year old hat maker. However the wicked witch of the waste transforms her in to an unpleasant, putrid and ancient 90 year old cleaning lady. At first, she is horrified with the curse, but she still learns to embrace it, liberating her from her self-conscious mind on a journey that changed her life for the better.
    This movie inspires me because although she may be not her beautiful young self, if she feels her beauty on the inside that’s all that matters. It makes you realise no matter how low your life gets you should always look on the brighter side of life. Also getting old isn't a bad thing. It made me realise instead of being one of those stroppy, deep and miserable teens I should enjoy the present and the future because you never know what might happen. I could be accepted in to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for all I know. As Miss Githiga says "patience is a virtue".

  7. After a lot of umms and ahhhs, I just couldn't pick a movie.
    but one night I thought of a movie that I had no idea why I didn't think of I before.. HARRY POTTER. yes. but I can't pick one of the films, they're all my favourites.
    the first one tells me that anything can happen and no matter how bad things get, it's not if you don't fall, it's if you get back up once you do.
    the second film shows that nobody is who they seem and you shouldn't judge a book by its cover
    the third film means that you should follow society's ideas all the time and that it's so easy to fool everyone, also that sometimes the ones that are most innocent seem most guilty
    I could find a reason why every harry potter movie is inspiring, but I wont because it would be too long.

  8. The film that is important to me is 'Safe Haven'. It hasn't completely changed my life, but it is my favourite film.
    The storyline is based upon a character named Katie who is running away from the cops. She finds a safe place to hide and begins to start her life again there. She falls in love, and gains friends, but she is still having flashbacks of the past.
    I find it really clever how you don't know why she's running away until you have been shown all the flashbacks, and there are lots of secrets hidden until the very end.
    In particular, the meaning behind this movie is that no matter what happens, friends and family are always there for you. Because everything Katie goes through, the people she really cares about her are still there to help her at the end. And I think this really matters :)

    1. I forgot to put my name - Alice.

  9. one of my favourite movies is fast girls. I don't find it emotional but I just relate to it as I do sports and it has been an eye opener for me. Fast Girls taught me to be a good sport. You shouldn't just get angry if you don't achieve your goals or if you lose something, or say if you didn't get into one of newlands squads such as dance company, don't get angry with the judges because its not their fault, you need to see through it and try next time and improve. It also showed me that you don't need to necessarily be rich to be an amazing sports person, you just need to do the sport for the love of it, and that can help you reach your goals in life. for instance in the film it was being able to achieve the gold medal in the GB womens relay team. But not only did the girls in it have to practice a lot to improve, but they all had to work together as friends, not as enemies. My mum always used to tell me that practice makes perfect, however the film taught me that practice doesn't make perfect if you are practicing wrong. So the film made me realise that I will get nowhere in life if I just complain 24/7 and do nothing about it.


  10. The film that inspires me is probably cool runnings. It isn't my favourite film but I think the story line can be life changing.
    The story is about a Jamaican man that can easily qualify for the Olympics, but gets tripped up by someone else. Then he decides to create the first ever Jamaican bobsled team and he works with three other people, one of which is the one that accidentally tripped him up in the beginning. This film is inspiring because it tells you that if you carry on going and don't give up then you can achieve greatness. Even though the team don't like each other in the beginning, they learn to work as a team and look out for one another.


  11. The film that inspired me was the film 'Soul Surfer'.
    It inspires me because the main girl is a competitive surfer and when she is out surfing one day her arm gets bitten off by a shark. As the film went on it was all about the girl getting back on her surf board and still being determined to compete in the final competition.She doesn't win but the moral of the story was that even if something really bad happens to you, never let it get in the way of following your dreams and achieving your goals.
    The film was also based on a true story.

    - Katie

  12. I do not have a film that has changed my life, but my favourite film is called "A Little Princess".
    It is about a girl called Sara from a rich family, who comes over to England from India so that she can get a good education at a boarding school, whilst her father is fighting in world war one. She is spoilt at the boarding school but is never big headed and is always a nice person to everyone. One day she is told her father is dead and so without anyone paying her school funds, she is forced to become a maid. After a long time of being mistreated by her former headmistress, she becomes friends with the people in the house next to hers, who happen to be looking after a wounded soldier with a form of memory loss. When her headmistress has finally had enough of her (she is always nice to people, never cries and never loses her temper which makes the headmistress angry) she calls the police for Sara to be taken to a workhouse. Sara takes refuge in the house next door where the soldier is being looked after. She recognises the soldier to be her father but due to his memory loss, he can't remember who she is. At the last minute, when she is being dragged away by the police, the soldier remembers her and there is a very emotional reunion.
    This film makes me cry every time I watch it but it probably didn't help that the first time I watched it, my dad had gone to France for four weeks with work. I think that if there was a moral to this story, it would be something along the lines of the bond between a father and daughter is very strong and if you are nice to people, the favour will be returned in the end.


  13. A film that inspires me is Racing Stripes. Which is about a zebra who grows up thinking he is a racehorse and wanting to be one. He finds out he is actually a zebra but carries on to pursue his dream and becomes a racehorse despite the odds. I like this movie because it teaches me to follow my dream no matter what happens and if you want to do something, it doesn't matter if you are different. Never let anything get in the way of your dreams.

  14. I don't really have a movie which has changed my life, but I do have some movies which are my all time favourites.
    One of which being Finding Nemo. I have watched the movie over and over again through the years of my childhood and till this day, its values of family and companionship always seem to touch me.
    Many of the 'sad' movies which I have watched all have the theme of loosing family members. For example, The movie "The Impossible" is about a family being split up after a major tsunami. Similarly Finding Nemo is about a father and Son being separated too. After watching these movies, I have realised that we take family for granted and we only realise how much we love, care and need them is when they are not there/with us. There is a clear message that we should cherish the moments when we our with our family and enjoy living with them because there may come a time when you don't get to see them again. Even if it is sitting at home, laughing or talking about anything, these little things soon become memories. We should treasure the little moments with our loved ones.


  15. Wow! What a fantastic and surprising range of films. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading the comments so far and finding out a little more about you all. The way you consider the morals of the films and what they mean to you is an absolute pleasure to read. Thank you! Keep it up!

  16. To be honest,I classify a film I love a lot as a film I could watch over and over and still enjoy it to the full extent every time, and to me, that movie is 'The Boat that Rocked'. It took me a while to get to grips to what exactly made me feel so exhilarated when ever I watched it, but I finally managed to figure it out.
    It simplifies to me the pure awesome rebellion of how life used to be. It was set in around the 60's and I love the time period in films that are from 60's - 90's because everything from the fashion sense to the culture just appeared so free, and it sort of makes me upset knowing I couldn't have been part of that, so watching it makes me feel included.
    Also, the fact all the characters are so different yet are so happy together like 'the american one' and 'cocky one' etc. It shows me how it doesn't matter who you are, because you deserve to be friends with who ever you want to be, so embrace it, who cares! It's all your life, and this film really shows there are no limits that can stop you having fun.
    Most of all, the music in this film means a lot to me, music in general can get me through so much and as it was a pirate boat radio station, knowing that people hardly had the privilege to listen to all the nostalgic music I get to now a days. The moment that boat started to sink I just felt almost lost inside knowing all those beautiful records inside it were going down with it.
    Just to top this all off knowing that there used to actually be moments in history like that really means a lot to me and makes me appreciate the music I listen to now and the moments I have because they can only get better from here.

  17. The film that means a lot to me is called The Perks of Being a Wallflower. It's basically about a boy called Charlie who's beloved Aunt dies buying his Christmas present and his only friend shoots himself. His parents and siblings are all really nice and Charlie is lovely but he's disturbed and not really normal. He's a loner and starts writing letters anonymously to someone about his life. The book is about how him and how he gets some really great friends. However near the end of the book he gets to a really bad place and ends up in a mental hospital. After he comes to terms with what's happened to him he stops writing letters about his life and starts to participate.
    The bit I love about Charlie though, is what he says at the end of the film "We don't get to choose where we came from, but we can choose where we go." I just think this is so inspiring because its so true.
    Another reason why I love this film is because it reminds me of my favourite book 'The Catcher in the Rye'.
    I also love the music in this book and I love how Charlie has a typewriter because I want a typewriter too :D.


  18. I know it may be a bit childish but the film that means most to me is 'Beauty and the Beast' (the Disney cartoon). I don't know why but I absolutely love it and has been my all time favourite since I can remember. It means something to me as it is telling people not to judge others by what they look like, but as what they are like as a person. I just feel that this wonderful children's film has a very important message that everyone should realize and follow as it is soooo important not to judge people before you know them.
    One of the reasons it is my favourite films is because of all of the singing objects that have been brought to life. It always makes me laugh seeing dancing cutlery.
    I love this film and think the message it is sending out is very important, and if you have not seen it, I strongly suggest you do :)


  19. I don't really have a film that is important to me or changed my life, however one of my favourite films is The Chronicles of Narnia, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.
    I really like this film because it has a really spiritual story. To me I relate the wise lion 'Aslan' as Jesus, and the White witch as the devil. I think of it like this because Aslan is the King of Narnia, and is also the son of the Emperor of the Sea, which suggests he is like Jesus the King of Earth and son of God in heaven.
    I also relate the White Witch to the devil as she is cruel and evil and uses magic to get her way. Just as an example, she tempts Edmund into following her and being on her side with sweet turkish delight which is like when the devil tempted Eve into eating the apples off the tree in the story of Adam and Eve.
    It is quite sad when Aslan is killed but again it can relate to the Christian story in that Aslan sacrifices his life for Edmund and suffers in pain until he dies, which represents the story of how Jesus sacrificed his life for everyone on earth and also how Aslan is willing to die to save Narnia.
    At the beginning of the film, as Lucy comes out of the wardrobe back into the house, its as if time has stopped, as the older brothers and sisters are in the same place that they were before she left which could mean that there is no time in heaven.
    After this event Aslan does come back to life which again is similar to the resurrection when Jesus came back to life in reality too.


  20. I don't really have a film that's important to me or changed my life, but i think that Safe Haven is a really good and inspiring film. I really like how deep and complex the story is and how they use flashbacks in the film so that at the beginning you assume one thing and judge based on that and then in one line it all changes and suddenly your like oh okay and you see more and think you know it all but even up to the end more and more is reviled. I've watched it twice and yet I think its the kind of movie you can watch over and over again.


  21. The movie that I have chosen as my inspirational movie is Ariel, mainly because I have a lot of childhood memories that connect me to it. I, being a seaside girl from Cyprus, can relate to Ariel's fascination with the land, except that with me my fascination is towards the sea. Besides, 95% of the ocean has yet to be discovered, so you can't actually tell me that mermaids aren't real :)
    In the movie, Ariel learns an important lesson form the decisions she makes and that is that you can make any choice in life but you have to face the consequences that come with it. the lesson that we learn from this is simply that for some people, love conquers all. It's nice to know that for some people, love is all they need to make some really stupid mistakes to be with the one they love.


  22. I don't really have a film that is important to me or has 'changed my life' but the film I watched when I was younger 'Finding Nemo' has always been a favourite of mine. This is because it shows the varieties of emotions and sacrifices that were undergone in order for Nemo to find his family. It showed him facing his fears in the vast ocean waters that were not ideal for fish. It shows how strong the value of friends and family is! Not everyone will listen to whatever their parents say but as seen in this film it showed 'Nemo' going against his Dad and not listening to his warning of swimming to far out. This highlights the fact that you will have to face the consequences of every decision you make,whether it is good or bad.


  23. The Life of Pi-
    This film hasn't changed my life, and it isn't my favourite, but I'd say that it has changed my perspective on things. This is because Pi is a timid boy who is moving to Canada from India, with his family. On the journey the boat sinks, and Pi sees his family die. He is left on a lifeboat in the middle of the ocean, stranded. After 227 days of struggling, hopelessness and insanity, Pi somehow manages to find land. As a grown man, Pi retells his story and says how he now has a beautiful family and has had a wonderful life. This showed me that even through rough patches, there is always happiness on the other side, and you can only get stronger.

  24. Even through my mumbling and stuttering in the lesson, I think you managed to figure out that the film that changed my perspective on things is The Bucket List. It is not my ALL TIME FAVOURITE, as that place is reserved, and has been for quite a few years, for Fast & Furious.


    The Bucket List has every single moral that any children's book could ever think of.
    It starts simple - the main character is racist. Like, BIG TIME racist. But, he is put in the same hospital room with a black guy.

    So that's numero uno done: get rid of your prejudices.

    Then, the black guy writes a list of things he wants to do before he dies, i.e. the Bucket List.
    But, he realises that it's nearly impossible and throws it away. The main character finds it on the next day, and adds his own, then offers to fund the trip.

    Numero dos: Don't be afraid to follow your dreams.

    They leave their old lives behind and embark on a journey that they had always wanted to go on. In the span of three months, they manage to change each other.

    So, numero tres: Life is too short and too precious to not enjoy it.

    I just think that it's a truly amazing film, and its message(s) really touched me.

    Plus, it has Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. THAT, is two Legends packed into one movie. Pure awesomeness.


  25. I don't feel as if I have a film, I've watched, that has changed my life. I'm also rubbish when it comes to picking favourite things, such as films, however 'The Notebook' came to mind when I was trying to think of one. I feel this is probably one of the first films that has really made me cry! I think that it's really interesting how a film can have that sort of emotional impact on you, when you know that it isn't actually happening. I also feel the film has important values such as love and marriage and finding someone who knows you better than you know yourself. It also shows that the two main characters didn't give up on each other, even though things became very tough, which i also think is an important thing to be able to do. The Notebook really promotes the values of true love, which are displayed right through to the end of the film and I think its a lovely film.

  26. The film that inspires me is Fast girls. I don't mean to be emotional but it does have that effect on me because it shows what all you have to do to get to your dreams (mine's to become a doctor). The movie follows Shania and Lisa who compete at a local level and immediately, their worlds collide. Then they are shown on their journey up to be in the British 4x1000m relay team competing in the world championships. The basic message I got from this film was that to achieve your objective in life, you have to overcome pride and set any rivalry aside. Also, its certain that life always has its ups and downs but when you do feel down in the dumps, you've got to have the heart, determination and believe that you do have the raw talent in you to get to your goal. personally, when feeling down and having a rough time, I hum the title track to myself and imagine what it is to get there and spur myself on by talking to myself and saying how its OK and I'll make it up to the top. the title track just gives me positivity to carry on my journey and actually get to where I want to get in the end without accepting defeat.

  27. I chose The Impossiblr because of how dramatically the film shows a perfect family holiday transforming into a solo act of trying to stay alive.
    Whilst the family of five are sunbathing and playing with their new Christmas toys off the coast of the Indian Ocean, a ferocious 30 foot wall of water engulfed Thailands tourists.
    Throughout the film life threatening injuries happen to all of the cast including a the youngest of 5 years old. It's a true story of cat and mouse as they travel to airports, rescue centres and hospitals trying to reunite their lost family back together.
    I think this film is important to me because of the frequently demonstrated theory of fate and hope as any viewer feels empathy and starts to love and care for each character more and more. It's a gut-wrenching disaster flick giving plenty of opportunities to tear up about about the inspiring adventures of what could have never been predicted.

  28. *The Impossible

  29. i didn't really know how to pick a movie, because i don't have a proper favorite. I thought about doing ratatouille, but then i chose The Vow instead. Ive only watched it once so i dont know if i can rembember all things about it.
    in the Vow there it shows how this couple got together and how they drifted from theyre families and moved to the city. they have now been married for about a year, then there is a car crash. both are injured, just the girl has bad memory loss. she can only remember living with her family and never meeting this guy she is married to. she thinks she is still engaged to a different person. They almost get divorced, and the man finds it incredibly hard.
    Eventually she starts to fall in love with him again and they end up happily married with children as it is a true story.
    To me, this film shows that if you persevere through your struggles then you will come out a better person and have a different out look on life.
