Friday 20 September 2013

An overview of your course

Folder set up for key Stage 4 GCSE Language and Literature

To help you revise and collate information for your study of GCSE Language and Literature it is vital that work and notes are kept in a coherent and clear way to help you to learn and revise for your exams.  The best way to achieve this is to use a FOLDER system.

You will need a lever arch or ring bound folder which you will generally keep at home to store your notes in.  You will also need a plastic wallet to carry your papers to and from school.  Your folder will need to be sub divided in the following way.

English Language Exam:

English Language Unit 1

·         Reading (section A)

·         Writing  (section B)

English Language Controlled Assessment:

- Creative writing task 1

- Creative writing task 2

- Extended Reading (Of Mice and Men)

- Spoken Language Investigation

English Literature Exam

Paper 1 (47101H) - Exploring Modern Texts

·         Short stories (section A)

·         Of Mice and Men (section B)

Paper 2 (47102H) - Poetry across Time

·         Relationships poems from the anthology: Moon on the Tides (section A)

·         Unseen poem (section B)

English Literature Controlled Assessment:

- Shakespeare and the Literary Heritage (Much Ado About Nothing and some poems)

Question Prompts for Reflection


Use the question prompts below to support your thinking about your learning.

'Reflective Thinking' - How can I develop as a learner?

Next week you will receive some feedback based on the creative writing you did in class. You were asked to use the still image below as a trigger (to quote Alice) for your thinking and imagination to develop.

In order for you to develop your learning about creative writing from the thinking, activities, class discussion and feedback so far, it will be important to go through the process of reflection. Please see an explanation of what reflection is below and comment in this post about any thoughts or questions you might have.

Reflection needs to focus on the knowledge and understanding that has been gained from a learning experience as well as the processes that were utilised to gain this knowledge. In other words, you reflect on what you learnt as well as how you investigated, communicated and/or participated in pair, small group or whole class contexts to access this learning.

Reflection also has a future focus. You should ask the questions:

where do I now go with this learning? 

in what new contexts can my learning be applied?

Monday 16 September 2013

Creative Writing CA Tasks

Task 1

A local newspaper is inviting people to write about films that have played an important part in  their life. Write about a film/s that has/have been important to you.


Task 2

Use a still image from a film as the basis of a piece of writing.

Thursday 12 September 2013

A film that is important to me (or changed my life!)

In 1991 I saw the film 'Point Break' (see below). It made me want to learn to surf! As a result, I joined the snowboard and surfing society at University and then did a ski season in France. I met my wife there and now have two beautiful children. 'Point Break' changed my life!

Film images and creative thinking

Look at the image below from the film 'The Shawshank Redemption'. Please share and develop your creative writing from class in the 'Comments' box of this post.

Creative thinking - '2001: A Space Odyssey' and 'Barber's Adagio for Strings'

The film clip below from '2001: A Space Odyssey' and the accompanying sound of 'Barber's Adagio for Strings' produced some fantastic creative thinking in class. Please leave some comments here developing the discussion further in terms of what the music made you think of and your interpretation of what happens.